Stop-motion animation created for Yonga Lodge, a small family hotel located in the scenic Yanıklar Village near Fethiye, Turkey. The hotel offers guests a peaceful retreat within a large fruit garden overlooking the Mediterranean, with a design inspired by the local culture and a commitment to ecological sustainability.
Stop-motion animation, duration 1:00 min.
Creative Process:
My role in the project involved:
Storyboard Creation: I developed the full storyboard to guide the narrative and visual flow of the animation.
Handmade Illustrations & Paper Cut Elements: I crafted hand-drawn illustrations and paper cutouts, ensuring each visual element reflected the hotel's natural and cultural ambiance.
Stop Motion Production: Using Dragon Frame software, I produced the stop-motion animation, bringing the hand-crafted elements to life.
Post-Production: I completed the final touches in Adobe After Effects and Premiere, refining the animation with color correction, timing, and additional effects.